Dr. Scharf is a dedicated and compassionate physician who understands that our health is the result of the dynamic interplay of a number of variables in our lives.
The variables: ·Nutrition ·Environment ·Genetics ·Thoughts, beliefs, and social factors ·Stress ·Sleep ·Mind-Body Connection
Functional Medicine is a personalized and comprehensive approach to health care with a unique perspective on the spectrum of health and disease that can give you power to go beyond your genetics.
The focus is on prevention and improving the management of complex, chronic disease through the optimization of physiologic function.
Functional Medicine uses the same scientific principles and research as conventional medicine, combining them with research from various disciplines.
Dr. Scharf’s approach involves developing a detailed understanding of the matrix of variables in which each person lives, searching beyond physical symptoms, and considering your health in the context of you as a whole person.
From there, we are able to determine the underlying cause of problems or dysfunction so health may again be achieved and maintained.